Pole dancing in the garden!

How Does Your Garden Grow *4

Washing Line Pole

Upcycling in the garden!

Too busy this last weekend to do much gardening… 😦

and surrounded by swaths of laundry after a house-full of guests,

my washing line seems to be the only thing that’s Growing In My Garden this week.

How does a nylon line suddenly get a foot longer, therefore a foot nearer the muddy ground…

Ensuring that the sheets have earthy brown trims after flapping over a wet lawn for a day or so?

My redundant IKEA curtain pole, having lost a ‘finial’ during building work, came to the rescue!

Washing line pole upcycled

Recycling in the garden

I’m suffering from not having ‘my time’ outside this week.

But watching washing dancing on the line,

billowing around such a pretty pole makes up in parts.

Hoping next weekend will be less frantic, and sunnier.

Until then, here’s my curtain call…

2014-05-11 07.05.27-2

Ode To a Washing Line.

There are many funny sights worth witnessing
on blustery days or fine
sights you see in the open air, on a swaying washing line. 
Socks are jovial talkative things, forever wanting to dance
Pyjamas are always so tired it seems, fall asleep if given the chance.
Shirts are ”armless” pathetic clothes
Crying at the merest whim
Briefs and pants are reluctant to talk
(they keep everything in)
Vests go around with mini skirts
they’ve fallen out with the slacks
Bras are so very full of themselves, but seldom have time to relax
T-shirts are ill-used and misshapen, from being too long in the sun
Trousers are extremely frustrated,
never being let-down for fun.

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By John Day  http://www.poetry.com/poems/53248-Ode-to-a-washing-line

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Now, I’m off to see what’s growing in other How Does Your Garden Grow gardens –

follow the Pink flower link on the right hand sidebar to “How Does Your Garden Grow?”

– Annie’s wonderful weekly collection of inspiration and awe at Mammasaurus.


Curtains to the old washing pole!

Curtains to the old washing pole!

What have you ‘upcycled for use in your garden?

Mammasaurus and How Does Your Garden Grow?

12 thoughts on “Pole dancing in the garden!

  1. How I enjoyed this post and your brilliant idea for propping up the clothes line. On windy, crisp days, my grandmother used to look out the window and say, “It’s a good day for hanging out.” and then start the washing machine with the weeks laundry. I’m a huge fan of “hanging out.” Thank you.

  2. Such a pretty blog, Emma 🙂 Thank you so much for visiting mine.
    It’s been a bit like that for me too, since returning from Poland. Our son had managed to dirty every item in his wardrobe in our absence but I finally caught up yesterday, and was able to sit with a book and enjoy the sun, just for a little while.

  3. I know exactly how you feel after a week where I haven’t had time to get out in the garden either 😦 Jolly nice pole though! Thanks for joining in again, I see you have now mastered the linky !

  4. Pingback: Mummy Bear’s Shout Out 6 | mummybearsblog

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